Wytyczne dotyczące Przewodnik po interfejsach ludzkich KDE

The KDE Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) offer designers and developers a set of recommendations for producing beautiful, usable, and consistent user interfaces for convergent desktop and mobile applications and workspace widgets. Our aim is to improve the experience for users by making consistent interfaces for desktop, mobile, and everything in between, more consistent, intuitive and learnable.

Wizja projektu

Our design vision focuses on two attributes of KDE software that connect its future to its history:

![Domyślnie proste, w razie potrzeby potężne.] (/hig/HIGDesignVisionFullBleed.png)

Domyślnie proste...

Proste i zachęcające. Oprogramowanie KDE jest przyjemne w odbiorze i łatwe w użyciu.

Make it easy to focus on what matters

Remove or minimize elements not crucial to the primary or main task. Use spacing to keep things organized. Use color to draw attention. Reveal additional information or optional functions only when needed.

"I know how to do that!"

Make things easier to learn by reusing design patterns from other applications. Other applications that use good design are a precedent to follow.

Do the heavy lifting for me

Make complex tasks simple. Make novices feel like experts. Create ways in which your users can naturally feel empowered by your software.

...Potężny w razie potrzeby

*Moc i elastyczność. Oprogramowanie KDE pozwala użytkownikom być twórczymi i wydajnymi bez wysiłku.

Solve a problem

Identify and make very clear to the user what need is addressed and how.

Always in control

It should always be clear what can be done, what is currently happening, and what has just happened. The user should never feel at the mercy of the tool. Give the user the final say.

Be flexible

Provide sensible defaults but consider optional functionality and customization options that don't interfere with the primary task.