Oxygen Icons
Oxygen-icons is a freedesktop.org compatible icon theme. Its sources are hosted on KDE Invent.
The icons may be freely shared, modified and copied under the GNU LGPL version 3. If you use them in your app or website please include a link back to this page and a statement such as: "Oxygen icons copyright KDE and licenced under the GNU LGPL version 3 or later".
The full collection of Breeze Icons can be downloaded as part of KDE Frameworks.
- CVnamespace
- Info-amarok
- accept_time_event
- acrobat
- action-albumfolder-importdir2
- activity-fork
- actor
- add-placemark
- address-book-new
- addressbook-details
- adress-book-new
- akonadi-phone-home
- albumfolder-importdir
- albumfolder-importimages
- albumfolder-new
- albumfolder-properties
- albumfolder-user-trash
- align-horizontal-bottom-out
- align-horizontal-center
- align-horizontal-left-out
- align-horizontal-left-to-anchor
- align-horizontal-left
- align-horizontal-right-out
- align-horizontal-right-to-anchor
- align-horizontal-right
- align-horizontal-top-out
- align-vertical-bottom-out
- align-vertical-bottom-to-anchor
- align-vertical-bottom
- align-vertical-center
- align-vertical-top-out
- align-vertical-top-to-anchor
- align-vertical-top
- amarok_artist
- amarok_clock
- amarok_lyrics
- amarok_playcount
- amarok_playlist
- amarok_playlist_refresh
- answer-correct
- answer
- application-exit
- application-menu
- applications-internet
- appointment-new
- archive-extract
- archive-insert-directory
- archive-insert
- archive-remove
- arrow-down-double
- arrow-down
- arrow-left-double
- arrow-left
- arrow-right-double
- arrow-right
- arrow-up-double
- arrow-up
- arrow
- atmosphere
- audio-on
- blurimage
- bookmark-add-folder
- bookmark-edit
- bookmark-new-list
- bookmark-new
- bookmark-remove
- bookmark-toolbar
- bookmarks-organize
- bookmarks
- box
- bqm-add
- bqm-addqueue
- bqm-commit
- bqm-diff
- bqm-remove
- bqm-rmqueue
- bqm-update
- call-start
- call-stop
- cards-block
- character-set
- checkbox
- checkmark
- choice-round
- chronometer-lap
- chronometer-reset
- chronometer-start
- chronometer
- class-or-package
- class
- clock-large
- clock
- code-block
- code-class
- code-context
- code-function
- code-typedef
- code-variable
- collection-rescan-amarok
- color-fill
- color-management
- color-picker-black
- color-picker-grey
- color-picker-white
- color-picker
- colormanagement
- component
- configure-shortcuts
- configure-toolbars
- configure
- contact-new
- continue-data-project
- cursor-arrow
- dashboard-show
- datatype
- debug-execute-from-cursor
- debug-execute-to-cursor
- debug-run-cursor
- debug-run
- debug-step-instruction
- debug-step-into-instruction
- debug-step-into
- debug-step-out
- debug-step-over
- delete-table-row
- diag_activity
- diag_class
- diag_component
- dialog-align-and-distribute
- dialog-cancel
- dialog-close
- dialog-fill-and-stroke
- dialog-filters
- dialog-icon-preview
- dialog-memory
- dialog-object-properties
- dialog-ok-apply
- dialog-ok
- dialog-scripts
- dialog-transform
- dirsync
- distortionfx
- distribute-horizontal-center
- distribute-horizontal-equal
- distribute-horizontal-gaps
- distribute-horizontal-left
- distribute-horizontal-margin
- distribute-horizontal-page
- distribute-horizontal-right
- distribute-horizontal-x
- distribute-horizontal
- distribute-vertical-bottom
- distribute-vertical-center
- distribute-vertical-equal
- distribute-vertical-gaps
- distribute-vertical-margin
- distribute-vertical-page
- distribute-vertical-top
- distribute-vertical-y
- distribute-vertical
- document-cleanup
- document-close
- document-decrypt
- document-edit-decrypt-verify
- document-edit-decrypt
- document-edit-encrypt
- document-edit-sign-encrypt
- document-edit-sign
- document-edit-verify
- document-edit
- document-encrypt
- document-encrypted
- document-export-ocal
- document-export-table
- document-export
- document-import-ocal
- document-import
- document-multiple
- document-new-from-template
- document-new
- document-open-data
- document-open-folder
- document-open-recent
- document-open-remote
- document-open
- document-preview-archive
- document-preview
- document-print-direct
- document-print-frame
- document-print-preview
- document-print
- document-properties
- document-revert
- document-save-all
- document-save-as
- document-save
- document-share
- document-sign
- document-swap
- documentation
- documentinfo
- download-amarok
- download-later
- download
- draw-arrow-back
- draw-arrow-down
- draw-arrow-forward
- draw-arrow-up
- draw-bezier-curves
- draw-brush
- draw-circle
- draw-cross
- draw-donut
- draw-ellipse
- draw-eraser-delete-objects
- draw-eraser
- draw-freehand
- draw-halfcircle1
- draw-halfcircle2
- draw-halfcircle3
- draw-halfcircle4
- draw-line
- draw-path
- draw-polygon
- draw-polyline
- draw-rectangle
- draw-spiral
- draw-square-inverted-corners
- draw-star
- draw-text
- draw-triangle
- draw-triangle1
- draw-triangle2
- draw-triangle3
- draw-triangle4
- edit-bomb
- edit-clear-history
- edit-clear-list
- edit-clear-locationbar-ltr
- edit-clear-locationbar-rtl
- edit-clear
- edit-copy
- edit-cut
- edit-delete-shred
- edit-delete
- edit-download
- edit-duplicate
- edit-entry
- edit-find-mail
- edit-find-project
- edit-find-replace
- edit-find-user
- edit-find
- edit-guides
- edit-image-face-add
- edit-image-face-detect
- edit-image-face-recognize
- edit-image-face-show
- edit-link
- edit-map
- edit-node
- edit-paste
- edit-redo
- edit-rename
- edit-select-all
- edit-select-none
- edit-select
- edit-table-cell-merge
- edit-table-cell-split
- edit-table-delete-column
- edit-table-delete-row
- edit-table-insert-column-left
- edit-table-insert-column-right
- edit-table-insert-row-above
- edit-table-insert-row-below
- edit-table-insert-row-under
- edit-text-frame-update
- edit-undo-history
- edit-undo
- edit-web-search
- editimage
- editor
- end_of_life
- end_state
- entry-delete
- entry-edit
- enum
- error
- exifinfo
- feed-subscribe
- file-zoom-in
- file-zoom-out
- filename-artist-amarok
- filename-composer-amarok
- filename-ignore-amarok
- filename-last-played
- filename-sample-rate
- filename-year-amarok
- fileview-preview
- fill-color
- flag-black
- flag-blue
- flag-green
- flag-red
- flag-yellow
- flag
- folder-new
- folder-sync
- followmouse
- fork
- format-add-node
- format-break-node
- format-connect-node
- format-disconnect-node
- format-fill-color
- format-font-size-less
- format-font-size-more
- format-indent-less
- format-indent-more
- format-join-node
- format-justify-center
- format-justify-fill
- format-justify-left
- format-justify-right
- format-line-spacing-double
- format-line-spacing-normal
- format-line-spacing-triple
- format-list-ordered
- format-list-unordered
- format-remove-node
- format-stroke-color
- format-text-bold
- format-text-color
- format-text-direction-ltr
- format-text-direction-rtl
- format-text-italic
- format-text-strikethrough
- format-text-subscript
- format-text-superscript
- format-text-underline
- formula
- freerotation
- games-achievements
- games-config-background
- games-config-board
- games-config-custom
- games-config-options
- games-config-theme
- games-config-tiles
- games-difficult
- games-endturn
- games-highscores
- games-hint
- games-solve
- geany-build
- geany-close-all
- geany-save-all
- get-hot-new-stuff
- globe
- go-bottom
- go-down-search
- go-down
- go-first-view-page
- go-first-view
- go-first
- go-home-large
- go-home
- go-jump-declaration
- go-jump-definition
- go-jump-locationbar
- go-jump-today
- go-jump
- go-last-view-page
- go-last-view
- go-last
- go-next-context
- go-next-use
- go-next-view-page
- go-next-view
- go-next
- go-parent-folder
- go-previous-context
- go-previous-use
- go-previous-view-page
- go-previous-view
- go-previous
- go-top
- go-up-search
- go-up
- gpg
- gpgsm
- group-delete
- group-edit
- group-new
- group
- gtk-add
- gtk-apply
- gtk-authentication
- gtk-bold
- gtk-cancel
- gtk-cdrom
- gtk-clear
- gtk-close
- gtk-color-picker
- gtk-connect
- gtk-disconnect
- gtk-edit
- gtk-execute
- gtk-floppy
- gtk-no
- gtk-ok
- gtk-properties
- gtk-quit
- gtk-select-color
- gtk-select-font
- gtk-stop
- gtk-undelete-ltr
- gtk-undelete-rtl
- gtk-yes
- guides
- help-about
- help-contents
- help-contextual
- help-donate
- help-feedback
- help-hint
- help-keybord-shortcuts
- hint
- identity
- im-aim
- im-ban-kick-user
- im-ban-user
- im-facebook
- im-gadugadu
- im-google-talk
- im-google
- im-icq
- im-identi.ca
- im-invisible-user
- im-irc
- im-jabber
- im-kick-user
- im-msn
- im-qq
- im-skype
- im-twitter
- im-user-away
- im-user-busy
- im-user-offline
- im-user
- im-yahoo
- initial_state
- inpainting
- insert-button
- insert-horizontal-rule
- insert-image
- insert-link
- insert-table-row
- insert-table
- insert-text-frame
- insert-text
- interface
- internet-amarok
- irc-channel-active
- irc-channel-inactive
- irc-close-channel
- irc-join-channel
- irc-operator
- irc-remove-operator
- irc-unvoice
- irc-voice
- journal-new
- kalarm-disabled
- kalarm-partdisabled
- kdenlive-add-slide-clip
- kdenlive-align-bottom
- kdenlive-align-hor
- kdenlive-align-left
- kdenlive-align-right
- kdenlive-align-top
- kdenlive-align-vert
- kdenlive-deleffect
- kdenlive-down
- kdenlive-hide-audio
- kdenlive-lock
- kdenlive-select-rects
- kdenlive-select-tool
- kdenlive-show-audio
- kdenlive-show-audiothumb
- kdenlive-show-video
- kdenlive-snap
- kdenlive-spacer-tool
- kdenlive-unlock
- kdenlive-up
- key-enter
- kmix-master
- knotes_alarm
- knotes_date
- knotes_delete
- kontes_close
- kr_jumpback
- kr_setjumpback
- kstars_advanced
- kstars_catalog
- kstars_colors
- kstars_constellationart
- kstars_flag
- kstars_guides
- kstars_planets
- kstars_stars
- kstars_xplanet
- kt-bandwidth-scheduler
- kt-change-tracker
- kt-check-data
- kt-encrypted
- kt-info-widget
- kt-pause
- kt-remove
- kt-restore-defaults
- kt-show-statusbar
- kt-start
- kt-stop
- ktnef_extract_to
- labplot-auto-scale-all
- labplot-auto-scale-x
- labplot-auto-scale-y
- labplot-cursor-arrow
- labplot-transform-move
- labplot-zoom-select-x
- labplot-zoom-select-y
- labplot-zoom-select
- layer-rename
- layer-visible-off
- layer-visible-on
- lighttable
- lighttableadd
- list-add-font
- list-add-user
- list-add
- list-remove-user
- list-remove
- list-resource-add
- lock
- mail-encrypted-full
- mail-encrypted-part
- mail-encrypted
- mail-flag
- mail-forward
- mail-forwarded-replied
- mail-forwarded
- mail-invitation
- mail-mark-important
- mail-mark-junk
- mail-mark-notjunk
- mail-mark-read
- mail-mark-task
- mail-mark-unread-new
- mail-mark-unread
- mail-meeting-request-reply
- mail-message-new-list
- mail-message-new
- mail-queue
- mail-receive
- mail-replied
- mail-reply-all
- mail-reply-custom-all
- mail-reply-custom
- mail-reply-list
- mail-reply-sender
- mail-send
- mail-signature-unknown
- mail-signed-full
- mail-signed-fully
- mail-signed-part
- mail-signed-verified
- mail-signed
- mail-tagged
- measure
- media-eject
- media-playback-pause
- media-playback-start
- media-playback-stop
- media-playlist-repeat-amarok
- media-playlist-repeat
- media-playlist-shuffle
- media-record
- media-seek-backward
- media-seek-forward
- media-skip-backward
- media-skip-forward
- media-standard-track-progression-amarok
- media-track-add-amarok
- media-track-edit-amarok
- media-track-remove-amarok
- meeting-attending-tentative
- meeting-attending
- meeting-participant-no-response
- meeting-participant-request-response
- merge
- milestone
- mixer-ac97
- mixer-capture-secondary
- mixer-capture
- mixer-cd
- mixer-digital
- mixer-front
- mixer-headset
- mixer-lfe
- mixer-line
- mixer-master
- mixer-microphone-boost
- mixer-microphone-front-boost
- mixer-microphone-front
- mixer-microphone
- mixer-midi
- mixer-pc-speaker
- mixer-pcm-default
- mixer-pcm
- mixer-surround-center
- mixer-surround
- mixer-video
- network-connect
- network-disconnect
- new-audio-alarm
- new-command-alarm
- news-subscribe
- news-unsubscribe
- node-add
- node-break
- node-delete-segment
- node-delete
- node-join-segment
- node-join
- note
- object-align-horizontal-center-calligra
- object-align-horizontal-left-calligra
- object-align-horizontal-right-calligra
- object-align-vertical-bottom-calligra
- object-align-vertical-bottom-top-calligra
- object-align-vertical-center-calligra
- object-align-vertical-top-calligra
- object-flip-horizontal
- object-flip-vertical
- object-group-calligra
- object-group
- object-hidden
- object-locked
- object-order-back-calligra
- object-order-back
- object-order-front-calligra
- object-order-front
- object-order-lower-calligra
- object-order-lower
- object-order-raise-calligra
- object-order-raise
- object-rotate-left
- object-rotate-right
- object-ungroup-calligra
- object-ungroup
- object-unlocked
- object-visible
- object
- object_node
- office-chart-area-focus-peak-node
- office-chart-area-percentage
- office-chart-area-stacked
- office-chart-area
- office-chart-bar-percentage
- office-chart-bar-stacked
- office-chart-bar
- office-chart-line-percentage
- office-chart-line-stacked
- office-chart-line
- office-chart-pie
- office-chart-polar-stacked
- office-chart-polar
- office-chart-ring
- office-chart-scatter
- offline
- online
- open-for-editing
- package
- page-2sides
- page-3sides
- page-4sides
- page-simple
- page-zoom
- path-mode-bezier
- path-mode-spiro
- pdf-annotations
- photo
- photos-amarok
- player-time
- player-volume-muted
- player-volume
- playlist-sort
- plugins
- polygon-add-nodes
- polygon-merge-nodes
- postalcode
- practice-setup
- practice-start
- practice-stop
- preferences-activities
- preferences-media-playback-amarok
- preflight-verifier
- process-stop
- project-development-close-all
- project-development-close
- project-development-new-template
- project-development
- project-open
- quickopen-class
- quickopen-file
- quickopen-function
- quickopen
- quickview
- rating-unrated
- rating
- ratiocrop
- refactor
- region
- relationship
- remove-amarok
- remove
- resource-calendar-child-insert
- resource-calendar-child
- resource-calendar-insert
- resource-group-new
- resource-group
- roll
- routeplanning
- run-build-clean
- run-build-configure
- run-build-file
- run-build-install-root
- run-build-install
- run-build-prune
- run-build
- run-clean
- run-install
- search
- select-rectangular
- selection-bottom
- selection-lower
- selection-make-bitmap-copy
- selection-raise
- selection-top
- services
- settings-configure
- shallow-history
- shapes
- shear
- show-dialogs
- show-grid
- show-menu
- show-offline
- shuffle
- skg-chart-bubble
- skrooge_credit_card
- skrooge_less
- skrooge_more
- skrooge_much_less
- skrooge_much_more
- skrooge_type
- smallclock
- snap-extension
- snap-guideline
- snap-intersection
- snap-node
- snap-orthogonal
- social
- sort-name
- sort_incr
- speaker
- specific-setup
- split
- step_object_Box
- step_object_Controller
- step_object_Disk
- step_object_Graph
- step_object_Note
- step_object_Particle
- step_object_Polygon
- step_object_Rope
- sticky_zoom
- story-editor
- stroke-cap-bevel
- stroke-cap-butt
- stroke-cap-miter
- stroke-cap-round
- stroke-cap-square
- stroke-join-bevel
- stroke-join-miter
- stroke-join-round
- svn-commit
- svn-update
- system-lock-screen
- system-log-out
- system-reboot
- system-run
- system-search
- system-shutdown
- system-suspend-hibernate
- system-suspend
- system-switch-user
- system-upgrade
- tab-close-other
- tab-close
- tab-detach
- tab-duplicate
- tab-new-background
- tab-new
- tag-addresbook
- tag-addressbook
- tag-assigned
- tag-delete
- tag-events
- tag-folder
- tag-new
- tag-people
- tag-places
- tag-properties
- tag-recents
- tag-reset
- tag
- task-new
- taxes-finances
- text-convert-to-regular
- text-field
- text-frame-link
- text-frame-unlink
- text-speak
- text_subscript
- text_superscript
- tool-animator
- tool-measure
- tool-node-editor
- tool-pointer
- tool_brush
- tool_color_picker
- tool_ellipse
- tool_eraser
- tool_flood_fill
- tool_pen
- tool_polyline
- tool_rect_selection
- tool_rectangle
- tool_text
- tools-check-spelling
- tools-media-optical-burn-image
- tools-media-optical-burn
- tools-media-optical-copy
- tools-media-optical-erase
- tools-media-optical-format
- tools-report-bug
- tools-rip-audio-cd
- tools-rip-video-cd
- tools-rip-video-dvd
- tools-wizard
- transform-crop-and-resize
- transform-crop
- transform-move
- transform-rotate
- transform-scale-textbox-points
- transform-scale
- transform-shear-down
- transform-shear-left
- transform-shear-right
- transform-shear-up
- transform-skew-horizontal
- transform-skew-vertical
- trash-empty
- umbr-coll-message-asynchronous
- umbr-coll-message-synchronous
- umbr-message-asynchronous
- umbr-message-found
- umbr-message-lost
- umbr-message-synchronous
- umbrello_diagram_activity
- umbrello_diagram_class
- umbrello_diagram_component
- umbrello_diagram_sequence
- umbrello_diagram_state
- umbrello_diagram_usecase
- unlock
- upcomingevents-amarok
- upindicator
- usecase
- user-group-delete
- user-group-new
- user-group-properties
- user-identity
- user-properties
- user
- videoclip-amarok
- view-bank-account-checking
- view-bank-account-savings
- view-bank-account
- view-bank
- view-barcode-add
- view-barcode
- view-calendar-agenda
- view-calendar-birthday
- view-calendar-day
- view-calendar-holiday
- view-calendar-journal
- view-calendar-list
- view-calendar-month
- view-calendar-special-occasion
- view-calendar-tasks
- view-calendar-time-spent
- view-calendar-timeline
- view-calendar-upcoming-days
- view-calendar-upcoming-events
- view-calendar-wedding-anniversary
- view-calendar-week
- view-calendar-whatsnext
- view-calendar-workweek
- view-calendar
- view-catalog
- view-categories
- view-certificate-add
- view-certificate-export-secret
- view-certificate-export-server
- view-certificate-export
- view-certificate-import
- view-certificate-server-configure
- view-certificate-sign
- view-certificate
- view-choose
- view-close
- view-conversation-balloon
- view-credit-card-account
- view-currency-list
- view-documents-finances
- view-expenses-categories
- view-file-columns
- view-filter
- view-financial-categories
- view-financial-forecast
- view-financial-list
- view-financial-payment-mode
- view-financial-transfer
- view-form-action
- view-form-table
- view-form
- view-fullscreen
- view-grid
- view-group
- view-hidden
- view-history
- view-income-categories
- view-investment-account
- view-investment
- view-ldap-resource
- view-left-close
- view-list-details
- view-list-icons
- view-list-text
- view-list-tree
- view-loan-asset
- view-loan
- view-media-artist
- view-media-equalizer
- view-media-lyrics
- view-media-playlist
- view-media-visualization
- view-multiple-objects
- view-object-histogram-linear
- view-object-histogram-logarithmic
- view-pim-calendar
- view-pim-contacts
- view-pim-journal
- view-pim-mail
- view-pim-news
- view-pim-notes
- view-pim-summary
- view-pim-tasks-pending
- view-pim-tasks
- view-presentation
- view-preview
- view-process-all-tree
- view-process-all
- view-process-own
- view-process-system
- view-process-tree
- view-process-users
- view-refresh
- view-resource-calendar
- view-restore
- view-right-close
- view-right-new
- view-sidetree
- view-sort-ascending
- view-sort-descending
- view-split-left-right
- view-split-top-bottom
- view-statistics
- view-stock-account
- view-table-of-contents-ltr
- view-table-of-contents-rtl
- view-task-add
- view-task-child-add
- view-task-child
- view-task
- view-time-schedule-baselined-add
- view-time-schedule-baselined-remove
- view-time-schedule-baselined
- view-time-schedule-calculus
- view-time-schedule-child-insert
- view-time-schedule-edit
- view-time-schedule-insert
- view-time-schedule
- view-visible
- view-web-browser-dom-tree
- viewimage
- visibility
- window-close
- window-duplicate
- window-new
- window-next
- window-previous
- window-suppressed
- x-clementine-artist
- x-clementine-shuffle
- x-shape-image
- x-shape-text
- xml-node-duplicate
- zoom-1-to-2
- zoom-2-to-1
- zoom-double-size
- zoom-draw
- zoom-fit-best
- zoom-fit-drawing
- zoom-fit-height
- zoom-fit-page
- zoom-fit-selection
- zoom-fit-width
- zoom-half-size
- zoom-in-large
- zoom-in
- zoom-next
- zoom-original
- zoom-out-large
- zoom-out
- zoom-previous
- zoom-select-fit
- zoom-select-x
- zoom-select-y
- zoom-select
- zoom
- process-idle-kde
- process-idle
- process-working-kde
- process-working
- applets-template
- org.kde.ktpcontactlist
- org.kde.muonnotifier
- org.kde.plasma.activitybar
- org.kde.plasma.analogclock
- org.kde.plasma.battery
- org.kde.plasma.binaryclock
- org.kde.plasma.calculator
- org.kde.plasma.calendar
- org.kde.plasma.clipboard
- org.kde.plasma.colorpicker
- org.kde.plasma.comic
- org.kde.plasma.devicenotifier
- org.kde.plasma.digitalclock
- org.kde.plasma.fifteenpuzzle
- org.kde.plasma.folder
- org.kde.plasma.frame
- org.kde.plasma.fuzzyclock
- org.kde.plasma.icontasks
- org.kde.plasma.kicker
- org.kde.plasma.kickerdash
- org.kde.plasma.kickoff
- org.kde.plasma.mediacontroller
- org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement
- org.kde.plasma.notes
- org.kde.plasma.pager
- org.kde.plasma.quicklaunch
- org.kde.plasma.showActivityManager
- org.kde.plasma.systemloadviewer
- org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpu
- org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskactivity
- org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.diskusage
- org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.memory
- org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.net
- org.kde.plasma.systemtray
- org.kde.plasma.taskmanager
- org.kde.plasma.timer
- org.kde.plasma.userswitcher
- org.kde.plasma.volume
- org.kde.plasma.windowlist
- Charm
- accessories-calculator
- accessories-character-map
- accessories-dictionary
- accessories-text-editor
- acroread
- akonadi
- akregator
- amarok
- amarok_change_language
- application-sxw
- ark
- artikulate
- baloo
- basket
- braindump
- calligraauthor
- calligraflow
- calligrakexi
- calligrakrita
- calligrasheets
- calligrastage
- calligrawords
- clock
- device-notifier
- digikam
- dragonplayer
- esd
- expoblending
- filelight
- fontforge
- graphics-viewer-document
- gwenview
- help-browser
- hotspot
- hwinfo
- inkscape-logo
- inkscape
- internet-mail
- internet-telephony
- internet-web-browser
- java
- k3b
- kaddressbook
- kaffeine
- kalarm
- kate
- kblogger
- kbruch
- kbugbuster
- kcalc
- kchart
- kcolorchooser
- kde-gtk-config
- kde-windows
- kde
- kdeconnect
- kdevelop
- kdf
- kfind
- kformula
- kget
- kgpg
- kig
- kivio
- kjournal
- klipper
- kmag
- kmail
- kmail2
- kmix
- kmplayer
- knetattach
- knewsticker
- knotes
- kolf
- konqueror
- kontact-import-wizard
- kontact
- konversation
- kopete-offline
- kopete
- korg-journal
- korg-todo
- korgac
- korganizer
- kplato
- kpresenter
- krdc
- krfb
- ksnapshot
- ksniffer
- kspread
- ksudoku
- kthesaurus
- ktip
- ktorrent
- kuickshow
- kverbos
- kwalletmanager
- kwalletmanager2
- kword
- kwrite
- lokalize
- mameexecutor
- multimedia-volume-control
- muondiscover
- nepomuk
- network-manager
- office-address-book
- office-calendar
- okteta
- okular
- oxygen
- panorama
- partitionmanager
- picmi
- planner
- plasma
- plasmagik
- preferences-contact-list
- preferences-desktop-accessibility
- preferences-desktop-baloo
- preferences-desktop-color
- preferences-desktop-cryptography
- preferences-desktop-default-applications
- preferences-desktop-display-color
- preferences-desktop-display
- preferences-desktop-filetype-association
- preferences-desktop-font
- preferences-desktop-gaming
- preferences-desktop-icons
- preferences-desktop-keyboard
- preferences-desktop-launch-feedback
- preferences-desktop-locale
- preferences-desktop-mouse
- preferences-desktop-notification-bell
- preferences-desktop-notification
- preferences-desktop-printer
- preferences-desktop-screensaver
- preferences-desktop-search
- preferences-desktop-sound
- preferences-desktop-text-to-speech
- preferences-desktop-theme
- preferences-desktop-thunderbolt
- preferences-desktop-user-password
- preferences-desktop-user
- preferences-desktop-wallpaper
- preferences-kcalc-constants
- preferences-plugin-script
- preferences-plugin
- preferences-system-bluetooth-inactive
- preferences-system-bluetooth
- preferences-system-login
- preferences-system-network-ethernet
- preferences-system-network-sharing
- preferences-system-performance
- preferences-system-power-management
- preferences-system-session-services
- preferences-system-time
- preferences-system-windows-actions
- preferences-system-windows-move
- preferences-system-windows
- preferences-web-browser-adblock
- preferences-web-browser-cache
- preferences-web-browser-cookies
- preferences-web-browser-identification
- preferences-web-browser-shortcuts
- preferences-web-browser-stylesheets
- qelectrotech
- quassel
- scribus
- semn
- showfoto
- skrooge-black
- skrooge-initial
- skrooge
- spectacle
- step
- strigi
- system-diagnosis
- system-file-manager
- system-reboot
- system-software-update
- system-users
- tagua
- telepathy-kde
- timevault
- utilities-desktop-extra
- utilities-file-archiver
- utilities-log-viewer
- utilities-system-monitor
- utilities-terminal
- wine
- xorg
- yakuake
- zanshin
- applications-accessories
- applications-all
- applications-development-translation
- applications-development-web
- applications-development
- applications-education-language
- applications-education-mathematics
- applications-education-miscellaneous
- applications-education-preschool
- applications-education-school
- applications-education-science
- applications-education-university
- applications-education
- applications-engineering
- applications-games
- applications-graphics
- applications-internet
- applications-multimedia
- applications-office
- applications-other
- applications-science
- applications-system
- applications-toys
- applications-utilities
- preferences-desktop-peripherals
- preferences-desktop-personal
- preferences-desktop-thunderbolt
- preferences-desktop-wallpaper
- preferences-desktop
- preferences-devices-printer
- preferences-kde-connect
- preferences-other
- preferences-system-network-ethernet
- preferences-system-network
- preferences-system-users
- preferences-system
- system-help
- system-users
- audio-card
- audio-headphones
- audio-headset
- audio-input-line
- audio-input-microphone
- battery
- camera-photo
- camera-web
- computer-laptop
- computer
- cpu
- drive-harddisk
- drive-optical
- drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive
- drive-removable-media-usb
- drive-removable-media
- hands-free
- handset
- headphone
- headset
- hifi
- input-gaming
- input-keyboard
- input-mouse
- input-tablet
- internal
- media-flash-memory-stick
- media-flash-sd-mmc
- media-flash-smart-media
- media-flash
- media-floppy
- media-optical-audio
- media-optical-blu-ray
- media-optical-data
- media-optical-dvd-data
- media-optical-dvd-video
- media-optical-dvd
- media-optical-mixed-cd
- media-optical-recordable
- media-optical-video
- media-optical
- media-tape
- microphone
- modem
- multimedia-player-apple-ipod
- multimedia-player
- network-offline
- network-wired-disconnected
- network-wired
- network-wireless-acquiring
- network-wireless-connected-00
- network-wireless-connected-100
- network-wireless-connected-25
- network-wireless-connected-50
- network-wireless-connected-75
- network-wireless-disconnected
- network-wireless-signal-excellent
- network-wireless-signal-good
- network-wireless-signal-none
- network-wireless-signal-ok
- network-wireless-signal-weak
- network-wireless
- pda
- phone-openmoko-freerunner
- phone
- portable
- printer-laser
- printer
- scanner
- secure-card
- smartphone
- speaker
- tablet
- tv
- video-display
- video-projector
- video-television
- webcam
- checkmark
- emblem-added
- emblem-checked
- emblem-encrypted-locked
- emblem-encrypted-unlocked
- emblem-favorite
- emblem-important
- emblem-link
- emblem-locked
- emblem-mounted
- emblem-new
- emblem-pause
- emblem-remove
- emblem-symbolic-link
- emblem-unavailable
- emblem-unlocked
- emblem-unmounted
- gpg-key-trust-level-0
- gpg-key-trust-level-1
- gpg-key-trust-level-2
- gpg-key-trust-level-3
- gpg-key-trust-level-4
- image-has-versions-open
- image-has-versions
- image-stack-open
- image-stack
- media-mount
- vcs-added
- vcs-conflicting
- vcs-locally-modified-unstaged
- vcs-locally-modified
- vcs-normal
- vcs-removed
- vcs-update-required
- drink-beer
- drink-martini
- face-angel
- face-angry
- face-clown
- face-confused
- face-cool
- face-crying
- face-devilish
- face-embarrassed
- face-foot-in-mouth
- face-glasses
- face-hug-left
- face-hug-right
- face-in-love
- face-kiss
- face-laugh
- face-laughing
- face-ninja
- face-pirate
- face-plain
- face-quiet
- face-raspberry
- face-sad
- face-sick
- face-sleep
- face-sleeping
- face-smile-big
- face-smile-gearhead-female
- face-smile-gearhead-male
- face-smile-grin
- face-smile
- face-smirk
- face-star
- face-surprise
- face-uncertain
- face-wink
- face-worried
- face-yawn
- food-cake
- food-pizza
- food
- gift
- heart-broken
- heart
- opinion-agree
- opinion-disagree
- opinion-no
- opinion-okay
- rose-wilted
- rose
- application-atom+xml
- application-epub+zip
- application-gzip
- application-illustrator
- application-javascript
- application-msword-template
- application-msword
- application-octet-stream
- application-ogg
- application-pdf
- application-pgp-encrypted
- application-pgp-keys
- application-pgp-signature
- application-pgp
- application-pkcs7-mime
- application-pkcs7-signature
- application-postscript
- application-relaxng
- application-rss+xml
- application-rtf
- application-sxw
- application-vnd-google-earth-kml
- application-vnd.debian.binary-package
- application-vnd.iccprofile
- application-vnd.ms-access
- application-vnd.ms-excel
- application-vnd.ms-powerpoint
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.database
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.draw.template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.drawing
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.drawing.template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.image
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
- application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.web.template
- application-vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
- application-vnd.rar
- application-vnd.rn-realmedia
- application-vnd.scribus
- application-vnd.stardivision.calc
- application-vnd.stardivision.draw
- application-vnd.stardivision.mail
- application-vnd.stardivision.math
- application-vnd.sun.xml.calc
- application-vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
- application-vnd.sun.xml.draw
- application-vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
- application-vnd.sun.xml.impress
- application-vnd.sun.xml.impress.png
- application-vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
- application-vnd.sun.xml.impress.template.png
- application-vnd.sun.xml.math
- application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.global
- application-vnd.sun.xml.writer
- application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.png
- application-vnd.sun.xml.writer.template
- application-vnd.wordperfect
- application-wps-office.xls
- application-x-7z-compressed
- application-x-abiword
- application-x-ace
- application-x-applix-spreadsheet
- application-x-applix-word
- application-x-ar
- application-x-arc
- application-x-archive
- application-x-arj
- application-x-awk
- application-x-bittorrent
- application-x-blender
- application-x-bzdvi
- application-x-bzip-compressed-tar
- application-x-bzip
- application-x-cd-image
- application-x-cda
- application-x-chm
- application-x-compress
- application-x-compressed-tar
- application-x-cpio
- application-x-cue
- application-x-deb
- application-x-designer
- application-x-desktop
- application-x-dgn
- application-x-egon
- application-x-executable-script
- application-x-executable
- application-x-flash-video
- application-x-font-afm
- application-x-font-bdf
- application-x-font-otf
- application-x-font-pcf
- application-x-font-snf
- application-x-font-ttf
- application-x-font-type1
- application-x-gnumeric
- application-x-gzdvi
- application-x-gzip
- application-x-gzpostscript
- application-x-iso
- application-x-it87
- application-x-jar
- application-x-java-applet
- application-x-java-archive
- application-x-java
- application-x-javascript
- application-x-k3b
- application-x-kcsrc
- application-x-kdenlivetitle
- application-x-kexi-connectiondata
- application-x-kexiproject-shortcut
- application-x-kexiproject-sqlite
- application-x-kexiproject-sqlite2
- application-x-kexiproject-sqlite3
- application-x-kformula
- application-x-kgetlist
- application-x-kontour
- application-x-kplato
- application-x-krita
- application-x-kvtml
- application-x-kword
- application-x-lha
- application-x-lyx
- application-x-lzma-compressed-tar
- application-x-lzop
- application-x-m4
- application-x-marble
- application-x-mimearchive
- application-x-mplayer2
- application-x-ms-dos-executable
- application-x-mswinurl
- application-x-mswrite
- application-x-nzb
- application-x-object
- application-x-pak
- application-x-pem-key
- application-x-perl
- application-x-php
- application-x-plasma
- application-x-python-bytecode
- application-x-qet-element
- application-x-qet-project
- application-x-quattropro
- application-x-rar
- application-x-raw-disk-image
- application-x-rpm
- application-x-ruby
- application-x-sharedlib
- application-x-shellscript
- application-x-shockwave-flash
- application-x-siag
- application-x-sif
- application-x-skg
- application-x-skgc
- application-x-smb-server
- application-x-smb-workgroup
- application-x-source-rpm
- application-x-sqlite2
- application-x-sqlite3
- application-x-srt
- application-x-srtrip
- application-x-subrip
- application-x-tar
- application-x-tarz
- application-x-tgif
- application-x-trash
- application-x-troff-man
- application-x-tzo
- application-x-wmf
- application-x-xz-compressed-tar
- application-x-xz-pkg
- application-x-zerosize
- application-x-zoo
- application-xhtml+xml
- application-xml
- application-xsd
- application-xslt+xml
- application-zip
- audio-ac3
- audio-flac
- audio-midi
- audio-mp2
- audio-mp3
- audio-mp4
- audio-mpeg
- audio-prs.sid
- audio-vn.rn-realmedia
- audio-vn.rn-realvideo
- audio-vnd.rn-realvideo
- audio-x-adpcm
- audio-x-aiff
- audio-x-flac+ogg
- audio-x-flac
- audio-x-generic
- audio-x-monkey
- audio-x-mp2
- audio-x-mpeg
- audio-x-speex+ogg
- audio-x-wav
- encrypted
- font-otf
- font-ttf
- fonts-package
- image-bmp
- image-gif
- image-jpeg
- image-jpeg2000
- image-png
- image-svg+xml-compressed
- image-svg+xml
- image-tiff
- image-vnd.adobe.photoshop
- image-vnd.dgn
- image-vnd.dwg
- image-webp
- image-x-adobe-dng
- image-x-compressed-xcf
- image-x-emf
- image-x-eps
- image-x-generic
- image-x-krita
- image-x-portable-bitmap
- image-x-psd
- image-x-psdimage-x-psd
- image-x-svg+xml
- image-x-tga
- image-x-vnd.trolltech.qpicture
- image-x-win-bitmap
- image-x-win-bmp
- image-x-wmf
- image-x-xcf
- image-x-xfig
- inode-directory
- libreoffice-database
- libreoffice-drawing-template
- libreoffice-drawing
- libreoffice-extension
- libreoffice-formula
- libreoffice-master-document
- libreoffice-oasis-database
- libreoffice-oasis-drawing-template
- libreoffice-oasis-drawing
- libreoffice-oasis-formula
- libreoffice-oasis-master-document
- libreoffice-oasis-presentation-template
- libreoffice-oasis-presentation
- libreoffice-oasis-spreadsheet-template
- libreoffice-oasis-spreadsheet
- libreoffice-oasis-text-template
- libreoffice-oasis-text
- libreoffice-oasis-web-template
- libreoffice-presentation-template
- libreoffice-presentation
- libreoffice-spreadsheet-template
- libreoffice-spreadsheet
- libreoffice-text-template
- libreoffice-text
- mail-message-new-list
- message-news
- message-partial
- message-rfc822
- message-x-gnu-rmail
- message
- odf
- package-x-generic
- text-calendar
- text-csharp
- text-css
- text-csv
- text-directory
- text-enriched
- text-html
- text-mathml
- text-plain
- text-rdf+xml
- text-rdf
- text-rtf
- text-sgml
- text-troff
- text-vcalendar
- text-vnd.abc
- text-vnd.wap.wml
- text-x-adasrc
- text-x-authors
- text-x-bibtex
- text-x-c++hdr
- text-x-c++src
- text-x-changelog
- text-x-chdr
- text-x-cmake
- text-x-copying
- text-x-credits
- text-x-csharp
- text-x-csrc
- text-x-dtd
- text-x-generic
- text-x-haskell
- text-x-hex
- text-x-install
- text-x-java-source
- text-x-java
- text-x-javascript
- text-x-katefilelist
- text-x-ldif
- text-x-lilypond
- text-x-log
- text-x-makefile
- text-x-nfo
- text-x-objchdr
- text-x-objcsrc
- text-x-opml+xml
- text-x-opml
- text-x-pascal
- text-x-patch
- text-x-plain
- text-x-po
- text-x-python
- text-x-qml
- text-x-readme
- text-x-rpm-spec
- text-x-script
- text-x-sql
- text-x-tcl
- text-x-tex
- text-x-texinfo
- text-x-vcard
- text-x-xslfo
- text-xmcd
- text-xml
- unknown
- uri-mms
- uri-mmst
- uri-mmsu
- uri-pnm
- uri-rtspt
- uri-rtspu
- video-mlt-playlist
- video-mp4
- video-vivo
- video-vnd.rn-realvideo
- video-wavelet
- video-webm
- video-x-anim
- video-x-flic
- video-x-flv
- video-x-generic
- video-x-google-vlc-plugin
- video-x-javafx
- video-x-matroska
- video-x-mng
- video-x-ms-wmp
- video-x-ms-wmv
- video-x-msvideo
- video-x-ogm+ogg
- video-x-theor+ogg
- video-x-theora+ogg
- video-x-wmv
- virtualbox-vhd
- x-kde-nsplugin-generated
- x-mail-distribution-list
- x-media-podcast
- x-office-address-book
- x-office-calendar
- x-office-contact
- x-office-document
- x-office-drawing
- x-office-presentation
- x-office-spreadsheet
- bookmarks
- certificate-server
- desktop
- document-multiple
- favorites
- folder-activities
- folder-add
- folder-black
- folder-blue
- folder-bookmark
- folder-brown
- folder-cloud
- folder-cyan
- folder-development
- folder-documents
- folder-download
- folder-downloads
- folder-dropbox
- folder-favorites
- folder-games
- folder-gdrive
- folder-green
- folder-grey
- folder-html
- folder-image-people
- folder-image
- folder-images
- folder-important
- folder-locked
- folder-mail
- folder-music
- folder-network
- folder-onedrive
- folder-open
- folder-orange
- folder-owncloud
- folder-picture
- folder-pictures
- folder-print
- folder-public
- folder-publicshare
- folder-red
- folder-remote
- folder-script
- folder-sound
- folder-tar
- folder-temp
- folder-text
- folder-txt
- folder-video
- folder-videos
- folder-violet
- folder-yellow
- folder
- folder_html
- library-music
- mail-folder-inbox
- mail-folder-outbox
- mail-folder-sent
- mail-message
- network-server-database
- network-server
- network-workgroup
- repository
- server-database
- start-here-kde
- start-here
- stock_folder
- user-desktop
- user-home
- user-identity
- user-trash-full
- user-trash
- file-zoom-in
- file-zoom-out
- image-zoom-in
- image-zoom-out
- appointment-recurring
- appointment-reminder
- audio-volume-high
- audio-volume-low
- audio-volume-medium
- audio-volume-muted
- battery-040
- battery-060
- battery-080
- battery-100
- battery-caution
- battery-charging-040
- battery-charging-060
- battery-charging-080
- battery-charging-caution
- battery-charging-low
- battery-charging
- battery-full-charging
- battery-low
- battery-missing
- cloudstatus
- data-error
- data-information
- data-warning
- dialog-error
- dialog-information
- dialog-password
- dialog-warning
- dropboxstatus-busy2
- dropboxstatus-logo
- folder-open
- image-loading
- image-missing
- mail-attachment
- mail-queued
- mail-read
- mail-replied
- mail-sent
- mail-tagged
- mail-task
- mail-unread-new
- mail-unread
- media-playlist-repeat
- media-playlist-shuffle
- meeting-chair
- meeting-observer
- meeting-organizer
- meeting-participant-optional
- meeting-participant-reply
- meeting-participant
- object-locked
- object-unlocked
- printer-error
- printer-printing
- script-error
- security-high
- security-low
- security-medium
- task-accepted
- task-attempt
- task-attention
- task-complete
- task-delegate
- task-ongoing
- task-recurring
- task-reject
- task-reminder
- update-high
- update-low
- update-medium
- update-none
- user-away-extended
- user-away
- user-busy
- user-invisible
- user-offline
- user-online
- user-trash-full
- wallet-closed
- wallet-open
- weather-clear-night
- weather-clear
- weather-clouds-night
- weather-clouds
- weather-few-clouds-night
- weather-few-clouds
- weather-fog
- weather-freezing-rain
- weather-hail
- weather-many-clouds
- weather-mist
- weather-none-available
- weather-overcast
- weather-showers-day
- weather-showers-night
- weather-showers-scattered-day
- weather-showers-scattered-night
- weather-showers-scattered
- weather-showers
- weather-snow-rain
- weather-snow-scattered-day
- weather-snow-scattered-night
- weather-snow-scattered
- weather-snow
- weather-storm-day
- weather-storm-night
- weather-storm
- window-suppressed
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