
Una tarjeta sirve como resumen, es un punto de entrada para obtener información más detallada y puede ofrecer acceso directo a las acciones más importantes de un elemento.

Los tipos de Kirigami AbstractCard y Card se usan para implementar el popular componente de tarjeta que se usa en muchas plataformas móviles y web. Las tarjetas se pueden usar para mostrar una recopilación de información o acciones de una forma atractiva y distintiva.

Kirigami también ofrece tres tipos de vistas y posicionadores para ayudarle a presentar tarjetas con diseños agradables y receptivos.


A Kirigami.AbstractCard is the simplest type of card. It's just a rectangle with a shadow, which can contain any Item in it. It can also have Items assigned to its header or footer properties. In this case a Kirigami.Heading is its header and a Controls.Label is the card's contentItem.

Kirigami.AbstractCard {
    Layout.fillHeight: true
    header: Kirigami.Heading {
        text: qsTr("AbstractCard")
        level: 2
    contentItem: Controls.Label {
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
        text: "..."
Captura de pantalla de una tarjeta abstracta, un sencillo botón rectangular con texto alineado a la izquierda


A Kirigami.Card inherits from AbstractCard and provides more features out of the box. Cards inherit the same header and footer from an Abstract Card, but you are encouraged to use a banner and a set of Kirigami.Action in the actions group instead.

Kirigami.Card {
    actions: [
        Kirigami.Action {
            text: qsTr("Action1")
            icon.name: "add-placemark"
        Kirigami.Action {
            text: qsTr("Action2")
            icon.name: "address-book-new-symbolic"
        // ...
    banner {
        source: "../banner.jpg"
        title: "Title Alignment"
        // El título se puede situar en el *banner*
        titleAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBottom
    contentItem: Controls.Label {
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
        text: "My Text"
Screenshot of a full-fledged Card with a banner background behind its title, white background behind its text, and two actions with icons and a hamburger menu at the bottom


A Kirigami.CardsLayout is most useful when the cards being presented are either not instantiated by a model or are instantiated by a model that always has very few items. They are presented as a grid of two columns which will remain centered if the application is really wide, or become a single column if there is not enough space for two columns, such as a mobile phone screen.

A card can optionally be oriented horizontally. In this case it will be wider than tall, and is better suited to being placed in a ColumnLayout. If you must put it in a CardsLayout, it will have a maximumColumns of 2 by default.

ColumnLayout {
    Kirigami.CardsLayout {
        Kirigami.Card {
            contentItem: Controls.Label {
                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                text: "My Text2"
        Kirigami.AbstractCard { 
            contentItem: Controls.Label {
                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                text: "My Text"
        Kirigami.Card {
            headerOrientation: Qt.Horizontal
            contentItem: Controls.Label {
                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                text: "My Text2"
Screenshot of a CardsLayout showing two side by side cards in portrait orientation on top of a card in landscape orientation, all with different components being used


Una Kirigami.CardsListView es una vista de lista que se puede usar con componentes AbstractCard.

A CardsListView will stretch child cards to its own width. This component should therefore only be used with cards which will look good at any horizontal size. Use of a Card component inside it is discouraged, unless it has Qt.Horizontal as its headerOrientation property.

La elección entre usar esta vista con componentes AbstractCard o una ListView convencional con componentes AbstractListItem/BasicListItem es solo una cuestión de estética.

Kirigami.CardsListView {
    id: view
    model: 100

    delegate: Kirigami.AbstractCard {
        //NOTA: no usar nunca un Layout como contentItem, ya que puede provocar bucles de enlace.
        contentItem: Item {
            implicitWidth: delegateLayout.implicitWidth
            implicitHeight: delegateLayout.implicitHeight
            GridLayout {
                id: delegateLayout
                anchors {
                    left: parent.left
                    top: parent.top
                    right: parent.right
                    //IMPORTANTE: no colocar nunca el margen inferior
                rowSpacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
                columnSpacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
                columns: width > Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 20 ? 4 : 2
                Kirigami.Icon {
                    source: "applications-graphics"
                    Layout.fillHeight: true
                    Layout.maximumHeight: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge
                    Layout.preferredWidth: height
                Kirigami.Heading {
                    level: 2
                    text: qsTr("Product ")+ modelData
                Controls.Button {
                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
                    Layout.columnSpan: 2 
                    text: qsTr("Install")

Captura de pantalla de una CardsListView, que es una sencilla lista vertical de tarjetas en modo apaisado